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Interesting News

Making Movies in New Jersey

Warren F. Disbrow Writer-Director

Black and White Monsters

Warren F. Disbrow's Influences.

Warren F. Disbrow Movies

Kiss of Medusa

Purging of the Hive

Pit Stop

The Mantis

The Calling

Night Shift

Night Terrors

Demon at Leeds Point

Working at CNN

Drive-In Madness

The Bloody Dead

Flesheaters from Outer Space

Invasion for Flesh and Blood

Rulers of the Apocalypse

Scarlet Moon

Dark Beginnings

Screening Dates and Times for Warren F. Disbrow movies

The Visual Expierences Inc. Store

Warren F. Disbrow's link page


Alice Cooper

The Rag

Warren's "Thank You" list.



Interesting NEWS

Visual Experiences Incorporated movie related news

warrenwithpostereduced50r.jpg, Warren F Disbrow, warren disbrow, new jersey, invasion for flesh and blood, scarlet moon, flesh eaters from outer space, dark beginnings, haunted hay ride the move, haunting of holly house, ny times, godzilla, dracula, vampires, sex,  horror, acton, comedy, genius filmmaker, amazing movies, sci fi, warren f disbrow auteur, David Lynch, Cronenberg, King, Romero, Smith, clerks, alice cooper, michael bruce, aliens, monsters, death, fantasy, forry ackerman, sam raimi, comic books

invasion27.jpg, invasion for flesh and blood, flesh eaters from outer space, scarlet moon, dark beginnings, warren f disbrow, warren disbrow, si f, horror, action, comedy, clerks, smith, king, cronenberg, Romero, Hammer Films, freddie francis,  terence fisher, roger corman, steven spielberg, David Lynch,  cult classics, amazing movies, ny times critics choice twice, sculptor, writer, director, cinematographer, director of photography, fieature film editor, auteur, horror movie director, variety magazine,

Gary Hoffman with a cast on his member from INVASION.


Kennyinvasion9.jpg, invasion for flesh and blood, flesh eaters from outer space, scarlet moon movie, haunted hay ride movie, dark beginnings, classic horror, sex, death, monsters, vampires, ny times, haunting of holly house, haunted, scary, violence, forry ackerman, michael bruce, alice cooper, king, smith, clerks, sci fi, horror movies, instant classic, england, new jersey, myspace, forry ackerman, comic books, artist, auteur, genius, fantasy, terry fisher, freddie francis, creature black l;agoon, success
Kenny Arotin on the far left helping out behind-the-scenes.

July 30 2007 - "Gary Hoffman returns! Kenny Arotin returns! After 18 years of MIA two of the stars of FLESH EATERS FROM OUTER SPACE and INVASION FOR FLESH AND BLOOD contacted me out of the blue! Since they moved on after shooting those movies, and at the time the movies had different shooting titles, like many who worked on the movies they probably didn't know that their films have been in distribution around the world for most of the last 18 years via different distributors! Gary Hoffman is the guy in INVASION who gets castrated three times. Kenny Arotin was the reluctant funny sidekick to the Golden Slayer in INVASION. Both are talented and great guys! And both I think got a little bent that they weren't on this web site. I hope they'll provide their memories for us of those days making those movies so I can post them here. In my defense I'd like to say that there are many important contributors to these movies that haven't as yet been added to this web site. Hopefully we'll eventually include everybody."
November 1st - "October was fun and productive. Mike Lee, a fan who visited one of my movie sets as a young effects artist, contacted me and is supply Hollywood quality special effects for DARK BEGINNINGS. He is already experimenting with the special CGI effects required for my next movie, DEADLY CLOCKTOWER. Its truly amazing what the current technology allows us to do - I send him the sections of DARK BEGINNINGS via the internet, he transforms the shots with CGI and sends them back to me and I drop them into the movie. The files at full resolution are huge and take time to send/recieve, but the fact that he can be on the West Coast and send them to me on the East Coast I still find wonderfully amazing.
I went to Chiller Convention here in Jersey and it was a huge fan draw. I spoke with the the man in charge of Chiller, Kevin Clement, who I knew 15 years ago, and he agreed to having me as a guest at the next convention held I think in January 2007.
12 local newspapers here in Jersey have the option to carry an excellent full page article on me by Lawerence Rappoport that was perhaps the best article ever written about me; certainly better than what has appeared in other newspapers. Rappoport didn't feel the need to paint a less flattering and less accurate picture of me and my movies like other newspapers have in the past. He simply told the truth and telling the truth puts me in a better light. His article was in THE HUB in Red Bank, THE ATLANTICVILLE in Long Branch and THE EXAMINER in Allentown the week before Halloween; the week after Halloween 9 others have the option of printing it.
On Halloween night 90.5 The NIGHT out of Brookdale Community College aired a show called FICTION, FILM AND FOLKLORE and I was one of several guests. The hour show was a discussion examining why people are attracted to horror books and movies.
I have mixed feelings about the results, since my answers to questions were recorded seperate from the others, on a different day, which was a big disadvantage for me. The other guests, I found out by hearing the show when it was aired,  were all intellectually pretentious with their answers, even if a lot of their analysis of the subject, in my opinion,  missed the mark. Oh, well, at least my answers were more valid and clearly understood. The radio station, however, favored style over content, so my quotes were not included with the others in the radio station web site sound bite download section. This is how politicians, who say nothing in a thousand important sounding words, get re-elected. Verbal gymnastics.
I do appreciate being included in the show, and I would do another one for 90.5 The NIGHT if they asked me, but next time I would like to be with the other guests, in the same room, to get the feel of the show's approach, instead of answering questions in a vacuum.
I'm roughly 1/3 finished with the new screenplay for THE DEADLY CLOCKTOWER. It's a departure from previous movies in several ways that I think the fans will appreciate.
I guess that's it for now."
August 24, 2006. "Hi again. DARK BEGINNINGS is finished, but the ability via the computer to fix and change things, has had me trying to make it as perfect as I can. That has slowed things up abit. I've been color correcting certain scenes filmed under less than ideal conditions and doing single-frame animation to add movement where movement was required. Despite my continuation of improving DARK BEGINNINGS, screeners were submitted to Lions Gate and Paramount Vantage for consideration. The returns and promotion of my previous recent releases has me looking for better situations that may yield better results".


May 27 - I never get a day off :o( . I'm basically finished with DARK BEGINNINGS except for the end credits and fixing one or two things. While others are enjoying the Holiday, I'm working on an article for THE RAG, and working on DARK BEGINNINGS. I also have to write the next script ASAP to shoot this summer. (As a departure from the last four movies, the new script will be very grim and dark.) Ben Sbar, who I met at Kulture, supplied music for DARK and has been helping with PR. At Kulture the shows they distribute are on Art and History. I get to see DVDs of the lives of world famous artists, who's lives involved alcohalism, drug abuse, mental disorders and the scorn of others and living and dying in poverty...THESE ARE THE SUCCESSFUL ONES!!!!  Eeeek! I'm doing my best to achieve something of their success without all those negatives. SCARLET MOON has gotten some good reviews and a few kicks in the teeth, so its in the arena like all other movies with people who love it and people who hate it.


April 01,2006 - Friday, Saturday and Sunday, in Asbury Park, NJ, The Garden State Film Festival has been happening and I was able to meet some very important industry people there that I hope will help further my career; one of them being a major Hollywood producer. The next move for me is securing an agent. The Hollywood producer said I already had enough under my belt to make that easier than most people he has encountered seeking his help. SCARLET MOON plays tomorrow at 2pm at Asbury Lanes as part of this festival and two days later will be available for purchase at your local DVD outlet. If you don't see it on the shelf, ask for it. Even if the chain carries the movie, the buyers for a particular area may not bring it into the store nearest you. Even with locally shot movies where there is a local public interest, some regional buyers are not smart enough to get it into local stores, or only order one copy at a time, which is, again, pretty stupid. Best Buy seems to be one of the smarter companies when it comes to re-stocking it's shelves, but if you don't see it, ask for SCARLET MOON. In Arizona one of my friends, Jay Gowey, says my previous movies rocket off the shelves in Arizona and they are constantly replenishing them. If the people handling the titles being carried in any particular store don't order copies or get one copy at a time, that hurts sales. It's just one more weak link in the distribution of all movies that filmmakers don't have control over. Blockbuster years ago picked up INVASION FOR FLESH AND BLOOD and had it available in 500 of their stores across the country but only a single copy in a New Jersey store. EI Entertainment had  INVASION at that time and it was the very first movie they carried that Blockbuster thought was good enough to buy for their chain. We did a signing at Suncoast and sold 100 copies in two hours. When I wanted to do more signings there was no support from EI. We sold more copies in two hours than EI did, according to their accounting, in that year. You would think they would have wanted me to continue selling INVASION in different venues, since I was doing better than they did, but no, for some reason they didn't support further signings. You gotta love it...



scarletmoondvdboxartshrunk50percent..jpg, scarlet moon, troma, flesh eaters from outer space, ny times critics choice, flesh eaters from outer space, invasion for flesh and blood, scarlet moon the movie, haunted hay ride, haunting of holly house, steven spielberg, john carpenter, stephen king, horror, sci fi, graphic artist, auteur, genius filmmaker, sex, violence, horror, action, amazing movies, king of horror, fantasy, thrills, gore, fangoria magazine, serial killer, superrnatural, vampres, drama, fun

My design for the Scarlet Moon DVD box art (c) 2005 Warren Disbrow



shrunk000_scarlet-dec-white-noskull.jpg, Scarlet Moon movie, new york times profiled, twice ny times critic's choice, auteur, horror, sci fi, horror, vampires, occult, sex, death, troma, genius, warren f disbrow, warren disbrow, monsters, forry ackerman, michael bruce, aclice cooper, fisher, francis, clerks, smith, successsful

First draft of Troma's version of the DVD box. I gave them suggestions for minor changes



domasnosferatudark.jpg, Dominic Gregoria, Scarlet Moon, Dark Beginnings, satanic, The Rag, publisher, warren f disbrow, warren disbrow, horror, sci fi, fantasy, gore, vampires, ocult, end of world, music, alice cooper, michael bruce, invasion for flesh and blood, flesh eaters from outer space, haunted hay ride, haunting of holly house, clerks, haunted hay ride the movie, monster movies, horror films, famous monsters of filmland, shocking, scary, serial killers, supernatural, chills, thrills, stephen king

Dominic Gregoria as Nosferatu in DARK BEGINNINGS. I made the costume and makeup.



anniesatanyakillingjeremy.jpg, Satanya, Annie Donato, warren f disbrow, dark beginnings, scarlet moon, invasion for flesh and blood, flesh eaters from outer space, haunting of holly house, hauned junkyard, horror moves, sex, death, vampires, occult, monsters, alie cooper, michael bruce, forry ackerman, books, DVDs, movies, CDs, ny times, haunted hay ride the movie, amazing moves, world wide

Annie Donato as Satanya kills victim in DARK BEGININGS



noferatudarkpuppet.jpg, Dark Beginnings, Nosferatu 1922, vampires, king, invasion for flesh and blood, scarlet moon, monsters, gerry anderson, marionettes, clerks, warren disbrow sr, invasion for flesh and blood, flesh eaters from outer space, haunted hay ride, ocult, warren f disbrow, warren disbrow

The 22 inch tall marionette Nosferatu I made standing on the 1/4 scale Castle set I built for DARK.


March 23, 2006 - SCARLET MOON is playing at 2pm at Asbury Lanes. Admission is $8.00 (no, I don't get a dime). I'll be there with some of the cast to sign DVD's and meet the public. I'll have copies of the Troma double feature DVD FLESH EATERS FROM OUTER SPACE/INVASION FOR FLESH AND BLOOD there. Also Troma is rush shipping me a case of SCARLET MOON DVDs to sell. It's officially released on April 4th, 2006 but you can, if they get here in time, buy advance copies and get them autographed.
I did an interview with MONSTER TIMES and more interviews will follow. Some of my fans have started to actively support the cause by sending out press releases, for which I am very greatful. things are moving ahead nicely. 2006 looks like it will be the best year I've had in the last 13. If you like my movies - or horror movies in general - spread the word about SCARLET MOON coming out. I'll thank you ahead of time for your support. :o)
March 20th,2006 - SCARLET MOON will be playing on saturday, April 1st, at 2 pm, in Asbury Park, as part of the Garden State Film Festival, and in the stores the following Tuesday.
I'm negotiating a deal for foreign releases of SCARLET MOON with an Arizona company. Details as I get them. I have a non-exclusive agreement with Troma as far as foreign.
My company is growing. ASAP I'll post names, pictures and bio's of my new associates.
February 14th, 2006 - Lots of stuff in the works. On April 1, 2006 SCARLET MOON will be showing in Asbury Park NJ as part of the Garden State Film Festival. That's just days before the release date of April 4th.
The additional supermarionation scenes I'm shooting for DARK BEGINNINGS are almost complete and we were able to bring the 22 inch life-like marionette to life on the 1/4th scale castle set, much like they did in the 1960s Gerry Anderson classic show CAPTAIN SCARLET. After many years of reading how they did the special effects, minatures and marionettes in the Anderson shows, we actually did it ourselves. Very cool and fun.
I also have a new legal representative who is handling all my contracts from here on and who will be helping me raise bigger budgets to do bigger, better movies. With all this new activity I'm hoping 2006 will be a good year, finally, after several bad years. Things just seem to be falling into place. I hope it continues this way.
I also am working at a local production facility, KULTUR, not far from where I live. I took the position because they use computer programs I wanted to learn, and instead of paying for the training I'm being taught the programs while being paid to learn! That seemed pretty smart to me :o) .
I'm also learning the final aspect of production I didn't know at KULTUR - DVD Authoring.
It's my hope that I'll be able to do a far more impressive DVD Master for DARK BEGINNINGS with moving menues and other features that most mid-to-low budget distributors do not do for their average DVD releases.
The bottom line folks is that when you buy one of my movies I sincerely want you to own something special, and in most cases, when others control the creative elements, they give you just "standard functional". I'd like to try to do better than that, if possible.  This is why I get involved with the box art and now the DVD Authoring.
I hope SCARLET MOON is a success. I know every movie has people who love it and people who hate it, like all art forms do. I keep the positive and negative reviews, it's all part of the life of a particular movie.
My personal feeling is that DARK BEGINNINGS, the new one I'm finishing now, is a better movie than SCARLET MOON, but I've had people like SCARLET MOON more than DARK BEGININGS. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder!
Troma only owns the home video rights, in USA and Canada only,  for SCARLET MOON, FLESH EATERS FROM OUTER SPACE and INVASION FOR FLESH AND BLOOD. So deals can be made for all other aspects of those movies with other companies. Cable TV, free TV, theatrical, foreign markets, any other avenues, are still up for grabs. I'll be cutting deals for all the rest ASAP.
I've already got the interest of one West Coast film distributor who also finances new movies. There has been talk of sequels to INVASION beug made and someone even sent me five possible sequel stories with titles.
Though I do like the characters and monsters in INVASION, I've been with those stories and characters for many years now and I really would like to do a fresh story with new characters. I need a break from the story/characters of SCARLET MOON, DARK BEGINNINGS, INVASION and FLESH EATERS.
I'd rather shoot DIABOLICAL which is a slick, scary, serious movie. We'll have to wait and see what happens next.
January 23, 2006 - Troma has set the DVD release date for SCARLET MOON as April 4th, 2006. It's being announced in the trades even in LA and screeners have already been shipped out for critics to review and to wholesale buyers across USA and Canada. SCARLET MOON's ship, as far as I am concerned, has sailed. To a large extend its now in Troma's hands, though I'll continue to be involved in its promotion and will be handling any product tie-ins myself through Visual Experiences. After all the hard work its finally finished, locked in stone and being sold. Yes, it always does feel weird to me, when it reaches this point, that I no longer have to do anything more on the movie SCARLET MOON. It's fate is now in the hands of business men, critics and the public.
DARK BEGINNINGS is nearing completion. I have 64 minutes already in final form. We filmed our live action Nosferatu scenes last Friday, with Andreas actor Dominic Gregoria inside that costume too and doing his best to be Count Orlock. I played Dorian for those scenes and when I wasn't handling the lighting and camera work, Shawn Reich, a friend of many years, took over the camera for me.
The Nosferatu Count Orlock scenes are the next to be edited, so I have to complete the matte shots (With CGI work by Steve Mezo "Tattooed Steve ® " and myself), green screen work, the minature work on the 1/4 scale castle sets with the 22 inch tall Count Orlock marionette and split screen stuff before I can continue editing.
In some ways DARK BEGINNINGS is coming out better than SCARLET MOON, but you need both movies because they are the same movie. DARK BEGININGS is actually chapert 1 of SCARLET MOON and SCARLET MOON is chapter 2. Its like THE GODFATHER and STAR WARS movies - the second movie goes back to a time before the events of the first.
One more thing - I have gotten complaints from people who have helped in some way with the movies that they are not mentioned here on this web site. This web site is far from finished. There are lots of people I will include when I am able. Sometimes I work 18 hour days trying to accomplish everything I'm involved in and I wish I didn't have the need to sleep and that days were longer to get more done faster. Everyone will be included eventually (if I don't drop dead first; if I do drop dead you'll have to bitch to my tombstone but at least  I'll finally be getting some rest!).
December 16, 2006 - FANGORIA magazine has decided to help promote the January 2, 2006 NYC  showing of Scarlet Moon. Go to and look in their News section. There are two new pages there, one on me and the movies in general, the other is all about the January 2, 2006 theatre showing. I want to thank Tony Timpone and Michael Gingold of Fangoria for their kindness and support. I means a lot to me to be in Fangoria, a magazine I've purchased and enjoyed since issue #1 published back in the 1970s. Thanks again guys, Tony and Mike, for helping.
December 14th, 2005 - A lot of things are happening folks.
First, on December 4th, as promised, the NY Times ran the article on me and my movies. I was, and still am, happy to get coverage in a New York newspaper, particularly the New York Times. It was a fairly large piece and had two color photographs with it. The article itself, written by Michelle Falkenstein, wasn't too bad, but left a lot of important things out. I believe she actually wrote a much bigger article and her Editor stream-lined it.
The Title of the article was, I'm sorry to have to report,  the invention of a real  creep. Michelle told me she had no control over titles or photo captions, so a guy who never spoke to me, and probably didn't even take the time to watch my movies, pulled this out of his ass:
Whoever this guy is owes me an apology.
The tone of Michelle's article was not demeaning, so the loser  who came up with this title didn't even come up with a title that matched Michelle's material.
As I said, Michelle's piece, though edited, wasn't bad, and its nice to get in the New York Times despite the crummy title. And the very flattering quotes from Lloyd Kaufman, President of Troma, in the Times, were nice to read. And quotes from Mike Mayo of the weekly radio show "Max and Mike at the Movies" saying he liked INVASION were nice to read too. 
Moving on to what is happening with the next movie release  - Troma is doing a much better job this time on the SCARLET MOON DVD than they did on the DVD for FLESH EATERS FROM OUTER SPACE/ INVASION FOR FLESH AND BLOOD.  (The SCARLET MOON DVD is being released across the USA and Canada in April 2006).
The box art I submitted (shown above) was changed by the art department but still captures what I wanted, only in a different way. (I'll post a picture of Troma's design as soon as I get their final version ).
The DVD itself is being prepared and its coming along very good too.
Because Michael Bruce didn't have the authority to grant us rights to the Alice Cooper music he sang in SCARLET MOON (SCHOOL'S OUT and SECOND COMING), those two concert scenes of his had to be removed (easter egg time?) for purely legal reasons, but that is the only thing Troma is removing. All the nudity, language, violence are intact. Mike is also a supporting character in both SCARLET MOON and DARK BEGININGS, so he is still in the movie, just not singing! 
The DVD menus are really great too. Very arty and very pleasing colors. For the music to be used under the menus I requested that they use the full 8 minute song GOD DREAM by Glorion Blak, which is my favorite music on the SCARLET MOON soundtrack.
One day I was talking to three different departments at troma all afternoon, all doing different aspects of the SCARLET MOON DVD, and it was exciting and funny too. Months of nothing but waiting, then all this rush of activity. I just can't wait to see the damn DVD in the stores.
On that same day I got a call from Troma's publicity department too.
"Would you mind if we put Scarlet Moon in a theatre?"  Would I mind??? Actually they had to ask permission because I held back theatrical rights in the contract, but of course I said yes. So here is that info:
 Scarlet Moon will be playing on Monday, January 2, 2006 at 8:45pm at the TWO BOOTS PIONEER THEATRE, located at 155  East third street, between Avenues A and B (closer to A), New York City. The number they give is: (212) 591- 0434
Advance tickets: click by the Show Time on their web site or call (800) 595-4849 (service charges do apply). Admission: $9.00. Their web site is : You can also e-mail with questions.
I'll be there with Prof.Hertz himself - Warren Disbrow Sr., as well as other cast and crew members from SCARLET MOON, including actors Annie Donato, Dominic Gregoria, Ruben Santiago, Ted Landers, Ron Toth and Henry Irons. Unfortunately, though they are in SCARLET MOON, Michael Bruce of Alice Cooper fame, and Forrest J. Ackerman, are not expected to attend at this point.
Getting back to the SCARLET MOON DVD for a second, Lloyd Kaufman promised that he would do a brand new, respectful introduction for the SCARLET MOON DVD. The generic intro used for the FLESH EATERS FROM OUTER SPACE/ INVASION FOR FLESH AND BLOOD DVD wasn't flattering. When we showed INVASION in a movie theatre last May 19th, Lloyd took the time to do a brand new intro for us that was far better than the one used on the actual DVD.
One final note - I'll be putting a free download of the Glorion Blak tie-in SCARLET MOON rock video on this web site ASAP. It's free and shows bits out of SCARLET MOON. Anyone who downloads it can burn copies for friends and family. This is a free gift. The only thing I don't want to see is anybody selling copies anywhere. Anybody selling copies will be prosecuted if we catch you. But you can duplicate it and give it as gifts to as many people as you like, just as long as you are not making money off it. I think that is more than fair. Glorion Blak is a great band too, so I'm sure you'll like the SCARLET MOON music video. I requested Troma also have the music video on their web site as a free down load to promote the SCARLET MOON DVD release in April. All rights to the music remain with Glorion Blak and Visual Experiences, Inc. and the music can't be used in any other way without permission. If you have any questions ask me, don't assume anything. That's all for now folks!




Monday, November 28th, 2005 update:


"The phone rings. I let the answering machine take the call. A woman's voice fills the room: "Hello, I'm Michelle Falkenstein, a reporter for the New York Times. Are you the Warren Disbrow who made FLESH EATERS FROM OUTER SPACE and INVASION FOR FLESH AND BLOOD?" I quickly grabbed up the phone and said, "YES!" In the following weeks Michelle interviewed me and did research on my movies and background. A NY Times photographer came to my house and
entertained me with the list of famous stars he had taken pictures of for the newspaper as he now was taking my picture - pretty cool. Three people connected with the New York Times confirmed that the article on me would be in print on Sunday, December 4th, 2005. Today Michelle phoned me to go over what she had written to make sure her facts were accurate.
The New York Times had also contacted Troma and spoke to Lloyd Kaufman, for comments about me and the movies, to be quoted in the NY Times article. Troma told The NY Times that SCARLET MOON would be released in April 2006.
Shortly after speaking to Michelle today, the person at Troma handling the DVD remastering contacted me to work out minor problems. 
 I am still shooting pick-up shots/doing special effects/editing DARK BEGINNINGS, which I hope will be ready to sign a deal on soon. April 2006 will be a busy month with SCARLET MOON being released and shooting my next movie, DANSE MACABRE, at the same time.
Another weird item that has come to my attention is that a review of INVASION FOR FLESH AND BLOOD is being utilized on college campuses. The text book titled REVIEWING THE ARTS by Campbell B. Titchener, contains, in it's chapter on Motion Picture Reviews, the Joe Bob Briggs NY Times review. The idea that INVASION even got selected to teach journalism students how to properly review a movie is a happy surprise to me. I am always amazed at where my movies pop up and under what circumstances!
Despite all the good news, the cynic in me won't allow the day dreamer in me to jump for joy, since even things that look good, have a way of suddenly turning bad. Still, what keeps all artists going is the gambler's HOPE that someday they will be recognized for their artistic abilities and properly rewarded. That is my hope." - Warren Disbrow
NOVEMBER 9th, 2005 -
"Hi everyone. Shortly after my appearance at Chiller Convention in NJ on October 29th, I got an e-mail from Troma's Art Director requesting my ideas for the SCARLET MOON DVD box art and text. Instead of giving him written ideas or hand sketches, I sent him this final product version of how I'd like the box to look (above).
I am not a fan of Troma's box art designs which, to me, look like confusing, cluttered magazine covers. Since Troma spends little or no money promoting their releases, the box art becomes critical to sales. I hope they use my design. So far my design has gotten 100% favorable response from people connected to the movie.
When I designed the FLESH EATERS FROM OUTER SPACE/INVASION FOR FLESH AND BLOOD box art for Troma just about a year ago, I had no idea at that time that they rely almost 100% on the box art selling the movies. Knowing what I know now, this new design I think is an improvement on my previous FLESH EATERS box art design. The bright white and scarlet red should catch the eye of buyers scanning the shelves for a movie to buy or rent.
The Chiller convention was a bust. There was no point in me being there. Kevin Clement refused to included me on his web site Guest List, and Troma failed to promote my being there. Considering all the good reviews my movies are getting I don't understand this.
Everybody knows what a signing requires - you have to have a table for the person doing the signing to sit at with a bunch of copies of his DVD on the surface of it and the person doing the signing sits at that table with some sort of poster or banner announcing who the person is. These are the basics of any signing. Troma did none of these things. No table. No chair. I brought my own poster but there was no place to put it. They didn't even make an announcement over the intercom telling the fans I was at the Troma table to meet them.
Fans did find me. Quite a few people picked up my DVD off the Troma table and said they already owned it and liked the movies. 
The experience at Chiller Theatre was mostly bad all around. The dealers were high priced and there was nothing I wanted to buy anyway and the crowds were unpleasant.
I tried to talk to George Romero but he was far too busy with a long line of fans. I did talk to Romero's new agent and gave him a package on me for consideration and he gave me his contact info, so maybe some good will ultimately come out of that day.
It was great to see two of my favorite TV cars at the show though - the 1966 Batmobile and the 1966 Black Beauty from The Green Hornet. Someday I'd like to own replicas of those fantastic cars to drive around in.
After the fiasco at Chiller Theatre Convention, it was good to be contacted by Troma and to hear they are finally prepping to release SCARLET MOON.
I hope my experience with this new DVD for SCARLET MOON is better than it was for FLESH EATERS. Troma was obligated to provide me a pre-release screener copy of the DVD of FLESH EATERS/ INVASION, allowing me enough time to point out mistakes they may have made, but the screener came a week before the official release, offering no time for my input. The result was that mistakes Troma made in the DVD were not corrected before it was mass produced and sent to stores. I hope this time they give me time to proof-read their DVD of SCARLET MOON.
The mistakes in the DVD of FLESH EATERS/ INVASION are:
1. On the box they spelled soccer mom wrong.
2. INVASION has a few seconds of black screen/silence between part 1 and part 2.
3. The commentary track on FLESH EATERS is 37 seconds out of sync, so the comments we are making often don't match what you are looking at onscreen.
4. On the trailer for INVASION whoever did the transfer from the 3/4 inch master didn't stop the transfer after the commercial was over and kept recording all the junk on the end of the tape including an excercise program!!!
5. I'm not all that impressed with the DVD's use of a "stock intro" featuring a Troma actress and Lloyd Kaufman clowning around as an introduction to my movies. To Lloyd's credit, he later did a brand new video recording, introducing the movies properly, for us to use when we have theater showings of INVASION FOR FLESH AND BLOOD. It's unfortunate that this new, much more respectful version of Lloyd's introduction, isn't on the mass produced DVD.  I hope Lloyd takes the time to do a fresh, new,and more appropriate introduction specifically for SCARLET MOON's DVD instead of that unflattering stock introduction.
I must say this about the Troma double feature DVD of FLESH EATERS/INVASION however - it has my complete director's cuts and the picture and sound quality of both movies is superior to the earlier VHS releases of these movies put out by other companies. I provided Troma with the first generation masters  and the digital transfer they did was high quality.
I guess that's it. I'm heading back to independent filmmaker's hell now" - Warren Disbrow


warrenandseinor.jpg, warren disbrow, warren disbrow sr, warren f disbrow, invasion for flesh and blood, scarlet moon movie, dark beginnings, haunted hay ride, haunting of holly house, shirley jackson, stephen king, horror movies, theatrical release, troma, horror conventions, auteur, ny times, joe bob briggs, white street cinema, new jersey, red bank, horror classics, amazing movies
Come to Chiller Theatre Convention in October and meet us at the Troma Table.


October 1st, 2005:
An additional murder scene is being filmed for DARK BEGINNINGS at RAT RADIO, located in Belmar NJ. The next and final scene to be added will be between Prof.Hertz and Satanya(Annie Donato). After these two scenes are shot,  shooting on DARK BEGINNINGS will be officially ended and its just a matter of completing the editing.
SEPTEMBER 25,2005:
Warren Disbrow will be at CHILLER THEATRE horror/scifi convention, being held at The Meadowelands Sheritan in NJ the last weekend in October, 2005. He will be signing DVDs of his movies at the Troma table, as well as meeting fans and net-working. With him will be Warren Disbrow Sr, who plays Prof.Hertz in FLESH EATERS FROM OUTER SPACE, INVASION FOR FLESH AND BLOOD, SCARLET MOON and DARK BEGINNINGS, Dominic Gregoria who plays Anderas the vampire in SCARLET MOON and DARK BEGINNINGS, Stephen Mezo "Tattooed Steve ®" who appears in FLESH EATERS FROM OUTER SPACE, INVASION FOR FLESH AND BLOOD, SCARLET MOON and DARK BEGINNINGS. And others as their schedules permit. Further details to come. for dates, times, prices and directions.
Warren is currently in the studio creating the Director's cut of "Dark Beginnings", which is the prequel of "Scarlet Moon", and once again "Professor Hertz" is doing what he can to protect us from evil, while being surrounded by incompetent higher ups. Make sure to check with TROMA for their release dates.
ADDED NOTE September 10th, 2005:
"Hi everyone. I decided to make DARK BEGINNINGS into a transitional movie between FLESH EATERS FROM OUTER SPACE and INVASION FOR FLESH AND BLOOD and SCARLET MOON, so it will feature The Golden Slayer and Sid, The Space Monster in all new footage being shot specifically for DARK BEGINNINGS and the new footage will feature new scenes of Prof.Hertz with Golden Slayer and Hertz supervising a military operation blasting down Aliens that survived the nuclear bombing of New York and New Jersey at the end of INVASION FOR FLESH AND BLOOD. Also new is a sadistic erotic vampire murder committed by Satanya (Annie Donato) and a scene where Satanya meets Prof.Hertz. The newly filmed scenes also feature Tattooed Steve ® , Ron Thoth and Rob Roman as soldiers. Four new scenes featuring The Amazing Donde playing the part of a heavy metal star called Hell Basher are also being added and in two of the scenes Annie Donato and myself act with Donde (yes, I play a role in SCARLET MOON and DARK BEGINNINGS - why let just the actors have all the fun?) The edit of DARK BEGINNINGS itself is progressing nicely and should be completed relatively soon, with the goal of a January 2006 release via Troma." - Warren Disbrow.
ADDED NOTE September 16th, 2005: 
"The new footage featuring the alien monster from FLESH EATERS FROM OUTER SPACE and INVASION FOR FLESH AND BLOOD has been filmed and already edited and incorporated into DARK BEGINNINGS. In the new footage Rob Roman, Steve Mezo "Tattooed Steve ® ", and my father (playing Prof.Hertz) track down and kill the last alien who survived the bombing of New York and New Jersey. The hunters were armed with military weapons, and dressed accordingly, and when all three fire their weapons at the monster all hell breaks lose. For those who like the design of the monster, to see him again, even briefly, in DARK BEGINNINGS, I think will be a real treat. The next scene I am shooting is a scene between Prof.Hertz and Golden Slayer in Hertz's Washington DC office. Again seeing Golden Slayer returning for this brief scene may be a treat for fans of those two older movies. All I can say is, as far is filmming and editing, so far everything is going very smoothly. Below are new photographs taken during the recent shoot hunting aliens. The bubble-talk was supplied by Rob Roman" - Warren Disbrow.  



stevewarrensrrob2w.jpg, tattooed steve, warren disbrow, warren f disbrow, warren disbrow sr, scarlet moon, dark beginnings, haunted hay ride, flesh eaters from outer space, forry ackerman, clerks, amazng movies
Tattooed Steve with his rattlesnake hat, my Dad and artist Rob Roman all hunting aliens in NJ



warrensrronw.jpg, warren f disbrow, disbrow, waren disbrow, warren disbrow sr, ron toth, scarlet moon, dark beginnings, flesh eaters from outer space, invasion for flesh and blood, clerks, vampires, monsters, aliens, ny times, amazing movies, sci fi, horror, comedy, sex, death, action
Prof.Hertz (my Dad) and actor Ron Toth of Shark River Hills, NJ who plays Bissell in DARK BEGINNINGS



warrensrw.jpg, warren disbrow sr, world famous, great actor, ny times, invasion for flesh and blood, dark beginnings, bloody dead, flesh eaters from outer space, haunted hay ride the movie, haunting of holly house, sci fi, horror, comedy, drama, warren disbrow, warren f disbrow, cult classics, world wide release, vampires, aliens, gore, fangoria
Prof.Hertz sporting an NRA hat and an M16 for the new scenes in DARK BEGINNINGS



rob01.jpg, warren f disbrow, warren disbrow, flesh eaters from oute space, invasion for flesh and blood, scarlet moon, dark beginnings, hauntimng of holly house, haunted hay ride the movie, genius filmmaker

Rob roman was so normal before getting involved with us ---NOT. :o)



ronstevew.jpg, steve mezo, tattooed steve, warren f disbrow, warren disbrow, writer, director, producer, invasion for flesh and blood, scarlet moon, dark beginnings, flesh eaters from outer space, haunted hay ride, haunted house, ny times, aliens, monsters
Steve's wife wasn't mad about his full frontal nudity in INVASION, she showed it to all her friends!



stevewarrensrrobw.jpg, warren f disbrow, warren disbrow, new jersey film maker, filmmaker, horror movies, writer director, flesh eaters from outer space, dark beginnings, scarlet moon, haunted hay ride, haunting of holly house
All the "bubble talk" was supplied by Rob Roman. Blame him! :o)



stevewarrenw.jpg, tattooed steve, steve mezo, warren f disbrow, warren disbrow, invasion for flesh and blood, flesh eaters from outer spacxe, dark beginnings, haunted hay ride, ny tmes critics choice, horror movie, sci fi, comedy, action, monsters, aliens
We used the original monster head for the newly shot scenes. Despite its age its in great shape



hertzmagazinecover2.jpg, fake, warren disbrow sr, warren f disbrow, warren disbrow, invasion for flesh and blood, flesh eaters from outer space, haunted hay ride movie, haunting of holly house, dark beginnings, bloody dead, the callig, kiss of medusa, nra, horror, sci fi, comedy, tattooed steve, steve mezo
Magazine cover by Tattooed Steve ®



hertzposter2.jpg, prof hertz, warren disbrow sr, warren f disbrow, warren disbrow, invasion for flesh and blood, flesh eaters from outer space,  scarlet moon, dark beginnings, haunting of holly house, haunted hay ride the movie, horror, sci fi, drama
T-Shirt design (c)copyright 2005. Rob Roman/Visual Experiences, Inc. All Rights Reserved.



smallerinvasionavp.jpg, invasion for flesh and blood, warren f disbrow, warren disbrow, warren disbrow sr, sci fi, horror, flesh eaters from outer pace, vampires, aliens, war of the worlds, scarlet moon, dark beginnings, haunted hay ride movie, haunting of holly house, theatrical release, troma
Tattooed Steve's cool Teaser Poster designed like a Hollywood pre-release poster for INVASION.



Professor Hertz himself, Warren Disbrow Sr, with fan Rob Roman, at Asbury Lanes Event


The Thursday August 4th Event, at Asbury Lanes in Asbury Park, proved successful, despite being held in Asbury Park. Those who attended enjoyed seeing INVASION FOR FLESH AND BLOOD on the big screen, purchased copies, got cast and crew autographs. Representing Warren's soon-to-be released "SCARLET MOON" at the event were actors Dominic Gregoria and AnnMarie Donato.
Warren's next feature film, tentatively titled "Warren F. Disbrow's DANSE MACABRE", will go into production after he completes editing on DARK BEGINNINGS. Filmming for "DANSE MACABRE" will take place in Ocean and Monmouth Counties in New Jersey, primarily, and Warren Disbrow Sr will reprise he now famous role as Prof.Hertz for a fifth time.
If you are interested in working on, or acting in, the motion picture DANSE MACABRE,  send your materials to:
Visual Experiences, Inc
303 Highland Avenue,  Neptune, New Jersey 07753
We will contact those we feel are suitable for the movie when  pre-production gets nearer.


warrensrob.jpg, artist rob roman, warren f disbrow, warren disbrow, warren disbrow sr, invasion for flesh and blood, flesh eaters from outer space, scarlet moon, dark beginnings, fangoria magazine, haunting of holly house, haunted hay rde
Warren Disbrow Sr, Multimedia Artist/Writer Rob Roman and Warren Disbrow at Asbury Lanes Event



annieatasburylanesaugust42005.jpg, annie donato, scarlet moon, invasion for flesh and blood, dark begnnings, flesh eaters from outer space, warren disbrow, warren f disbrow
Vampire Actors AnnMarie Donato and Ted Landers of SCARLET MOON seeking fresh kill at Asbury Lanes.



theboys.jpg, warren disbrow, warren f disbrow, warren disbrow sr, prof hertz, steve mezo, tattooed steve, invasio for flesh and blood, dark beginnings, flesh eaes from outer space, horror, comedy
Actor Warren Disbrow Sr., Writer-Director Warren Disbrow and Tattooed Steve at the August 4th Event



domandsteve.jpg,  The Rag, warren f disbrow, warren disbrow, dominic gregoria, tattooed steve, steve mezo, donnie g, publisher, actor, scarlet moon, dark beginnings, haunted hay ride the movie, ny, new jersey, music scene, jersey shore
Two Evil Guys RAG publisher Dominic Gregoria and outlaw Tattooed Steve crashed Asbury Lanes Event


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All text and images copyright 2008© Visual Experiences Motion Picture Company LLC. And can not be used whole or in part without written permission by Visual Experiences Inc. and or Warren F. Disbrow.